
Showing posts from January, 2023

To read

Options pattern OptionMonitor OptionSnapshot IConfiguration Option -> once application is loaded the value will not change. The application has to be restarted. Aws Systems Manager - create parameter store

Reading config from a c# console application

 Console application 1. Install nuget package Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting 2.  using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).Build(); IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()     .AddJsonFile("appSettings.json")     .AddEnvironmentVariables()     .Build(); Settings settings = config.GetRequiredSection(key: "Settings").Get<Settings>(); Console.WriteLine(settings.KeyOne); Console.WriteLine(settings.KeyTwo); Console.WriteLine(settings.KeyThree.Message); foreach(var ipAddress in settings.IPAddresses) {     Console.WriteLine(ipAddress); } foreach(var versions in settings.KeyThree.SupportedVersions) {     Console.WriteLine(versions.Key);     Console.WriteLine(versions.Value); } Console.WriteLine(settings.KeyThree.SupportedVersions); await host.RunAsync(); in the properties of the project add the following. <ItemGroup> ...

Record Type in C#

 Record type Record can be class or struct. Class is default and it need not be defined. public record class Person (string FullName, DateOnly DateOfBirth); equivalent to saying public class Person{ public string FullName {get; init;} = default!; public DateOnly DateOfBirth {get; set;} } public record struct Person(string FullName, DateOnly DateOfBirth); Console.WriteLine(new Person{ FullName = "Kirthiga", DateOfBirth = new DateOnly(1996, 8, 7)}; It will say NameSpace.Person but won't say the details var kirthiga = new Person("Kirthiga", new DateOnly(1996,8,7)); On the other hand when you use record and do a Console.WriteLine(kirthiga); It will print out Person {FullName = "Kirthiga", DateOfBirth = "07/08/1996"} with full details Also when we duplicate classes example, var personA = new Person{ FullName = "Kirthiga", DateOfBirth = "07/08/1996" }  var personB = new Person{ FullName = "Kirthiga", DateOfBirth = ...

How to find out which version of C# is used in a project in Visual Studio 2022

  Right-click Project -> Properties -> Build -> Advanced -> Language version

How to find the C# version being used in your system while using Visual Studio 2022

  If you are using Visual Studio 2022, Right-click project -> Properties -> Build -> Advanced -> Language Version

How to pass command line arguments in Visual Studio 2022?

How to pass command line arguments in Visual Studio 2022? Right-click Projects -> Properties  In the window select Debug -> General -> Open debug launch profiles UI How to access the command line variables when top-level statements is used? Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); foreach(var s in args) {     Console.Write($"{s}, ");    } For more information about top-level statements follow this url: